Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Oscar in Nollywood and Bollywood



2005年Nollywood也開始效仿其他的電影業舉辦第一屆的非洲電影獎(Africa Movie Academy Award)。近幾年的入圍電影也跨國界包含了其他的非洲國家。而它光鮮亮麗的程度也不輸世界其他地方的獎項!


同樣的寶萊烏也有像奧斯卡年度獎項。其實早在今年一月印度的Filmware Awards就已經揭幕。想要看懂的人還真得習慣印度腔英文呢!

有趣的是Filmware Awards的獎杯好像是小金人的翻版。在跳舞的小銀人??

Monday, December 27, 2010

Séraphine de Senlis

電影 "Séraphine" (2008) 描述一個天才藝術家 Séraphine Louis 的故事,她看似平凡的一生其實充滿了絢麗的色彩,平時Séraphine靠著幫忙有錢人打掃家裡過活,空閒時她卻極力投入畫作。患有些微精神疾病的她創作的動力源於深處的內在,繪畫時會高唱教會讚頌,完成創作後卻不願張聲展示。Séraphine畫的主題通常是花,俱有靈魂和眼睛的花,不停重複的花,異國色彩的花。
二十世紀初的黑人社運學者Du Bois曾經說過全部的藝術都是有目的性的宣傳 (All art is prapaganda),在Du Bois的影響之下所衍生的是為了美國黑人全體民族發聲的創作,其中包括詩作,音樂,小說和畫作。但同樣的在二十世紀初的法國,Séraphine的花叢卻有觸及最深層人性的能量。紅的發紫的芒草是溫暖的,旁邊點襯的深綠葉是偶爾的冷靜,但卻無法阻止紅色的熱量四處溢散,在中間白花也被渲染成同樣性情的黃色,只有比較遠離中心的花是純白的,單純的純白。這樣的解讀不是絕對,每個人當看到這樣的畫作都會有不同的衝擊,而這就是我所謂觸及人性的能量,是與充滿宣傳性的藝術不同的。

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Omniscient Self

Reading this month's National Geographic, in the section named "The big idea, augmented reality", I felt overwhelmed by the idea that a smart phone could tell you tons of information about anything on the street which you just passed by. The example in the article surpassed my imagination. "Point your phone onto sky" and find the constellation on your LCD monitor. I could almost imagine a contact lens company transplant this idea to their product and, there you go, a smart contact lens.
Another unpredictable consequence of the immediate information explosion is the power of knowledge people acquire from these technologies. If everyone could know the price of a mansion immediately after seeing it, how would a housing market react to that? If you can look at the facebook account of every single passersby, where are the rights of privacy? If you can tell the technical name of every kind of flora in the wild, the what are the uses of botany classes? In a way, people could become knowing-everything with this kind of technology, and what effect this would bring to the society in terms of class confrontation and democracy is still unknown. I personally do not enjoy the jargon saying the advance in high tech gadget should be regulated..blah blah blah.. nevertheless, it is still kind of scary when pieces of information about the world are in your immediate sight.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Ordinary Space of Taipei

When thinking about mega cities such as Taipei, I have the had-been-tallest skycraper Taipei 101 and the surrounding mega shopping areas in mind. Otherwise, it would be the often-advertised specialities of the night life in Taiwan--night markets.

Undoubtedly, these are the mostly visited places of not only foreigners but locals themselves. They appreciate the modern public arts, the crowded shopping spaces, and the bizaarely-built architectures. They go to movie theaters, high-tier restaurants, and bookstores that shelve masterpieces of philosophy.

These spaces, percieved by the minds that seem to long for idealities of good life, continuously obssesss me even when I am situated in the spcaes that cannot be more ordinary. It is when I take out my camera that shocks me how commonplace my surroundins are, and how faraway the distance between ideality and reality is.

The scene that cannot be more familiar for those who live in Taipei for years (left).

Or the pathway between buildings (right).

Tuesday, July 20, 2010




所謂的理性作曲架構是曲子的對稱性和規律性,最具代表性的作曲家應該是巴哈,他兩冊平均律(Well Tempered Klavier)內的賦格曲常以卡農的方式把一段旋律在不同的聲部用不同的調性呈現出,一首曲子的鋪陳是較規律且對稱的。


1. 大量的使用半音音階,且有別於傳統的方法散佈在樂章內,似乎成了連貫曲子的牽線。
2. 不明確的調性源於半音音階與不和諧和弦。
3. 在不明確的調性中意外地產出聽了就忘不了的旋律。
Prokofiev Piano Concerto No.2 in G minor

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vancouver Photos

So it has been a few weeks after the Vancouver short trip. It's time to share some photos!

A mosaic whale!? Is it implying the sharply decreasing population of whales caused by Japanese people who fight mammal conservationists to protect their hundred-year tradition? ...distorted flesh and segmented image? Well, enough for the b-sing though I still cannot figure out the hidden meaning of this stature mounted by thousands of legos.

Canadians are extraordinarily considerate. Do not trundle through, or otherwise you gonna embrace the ice-cold harbor!

A friend of mine recommended me the place to go for lunch--Kintaro Ramen. I consider myself an obsessively punctual guy but when I arrived at 11:45 before its opening at 12. There were already a dozen groups in front of me waiting for the Sunday noon opening.
The restaurant cannot fit more than 20 guests and each time the cook only delivered six bowls of ramen, each being carried out with aesthetic precision. The cooking process is flawless: fresh sprouts have to be fried with a full spoon of soup stock; the noodels has to be mixed with the flour that gives them extra flexibility.

Sitting inside along the bar and watching people outside still waiting to sip the flavorful soup is actually the best enjoyment after the meal XD.

The Skytrain would take me to my place after a half day wandering in the city!

Saturday, June 19, 2010






